These Special Seminars are Limited to Six (6) Artists Only per week (*non-painting Spouses are welcomed)  





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Artist Mentors

 En Plein Air Masters

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 Artist Mentor     

  Clayton J. Beck III   


After graduation from the American Academy of Art in Chicago, Clayton studied at the Palette and Chisel Academy of Fine Arts with Richard Schmid. Clayton’s career began while still at the American Academy, exhibiting at Jody Kirberger’s Talisman Gallery and winning awards from the Midwest Pastel Society, the Palette and Chisel and the Pastel Society of America. He began teaching Saturday classes in Chicago after graduation from art school.

Artist Statement: “My love for painting has always been enhanced by my love to teach. Any artist who thinks they understand painting should try teaching. They will soon realize how little they know. I have always felt that I have a responsibility to teach because I have been given a generous gift from my teachers (i.e. Bill Parks, Ted Smuskiewicz, and Richard Schmid) and it should be passed on to the next generation of painters who share this love of art.


"Color Charts" - Here is a little free advice ... don't do the color charts like I first did! I rushed through and didn't get the full benefit. I unfortunately did not understand how important they would be in my future. I just wanted to get to the “good” stuff like painting and not do this mechanically unartistic part. Do your charts conscientiously and with purpose. When done carefully, they will serve you well for years.



 "Value and Edges" - Next time you are starting a painting, stop and look at your subject and decide some key issues. Ask yourself questions and study your answers. Most of the answers we understand, we just don't know the proper questions. When trying to get a grasp on values, the first thing that you want to understand is the limits of edge and value.







  All paintings shown here are done so with the permission of the Artist Clayton J. Beck III


 For more information Call (Toll-Free): 1(888) 614-2207   


E-mail us at:  or 


    Please take note: That Only Six (6) Rooms are available on this Special Artistic Seminar




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En Plein Air Masters, Inc. reserve the right to alter the seminar itinerary or arrangements as necessary or advisable to best serve the seminar participants. If the scheduled Artist Mentor becomes unable to participate in the seminar, a different Artist Mentor may be substituted or the seminar may be rescheduled. En Plein Air Masters, Inc. their partners and their agents, may exclude any seminar participant from the seminar at any time.